The Flexible Mind is a phylosophy that educates body and mind on the possibilities of reaction to different situations, how to consciously follow impulses but also how to resist them.
Focusing on the adaptability to our surroundings, we train and develop tools to reach a deep awareness of ourselves and to organically cope with the choices that are made for us or by us.
The class guides the body from a smooth awakening to a more conscious and reactive activity, through exercises going from the floor to standing positions. Sharp movements often accompany fluidity. Body and spatial awareness are, without any doubt, the main point of the class, constantly present, from the beginning until the end, where we are asked to face more challenging movement combinations.
The idea is to strengthen body and mind thanks to a gentle but powerful process, until the reaching of a strong knowledge of ourselves as individuals and as part of a bigger group. You will face constant challenges, coming from a very dynamic technique, exploiting floorwork, big jumps, spirals, out of balance and core strength.
A free body A flexible mind
20:00-21:30 Contemporary intermediate Tanzfabrik Nürnberg
18:00-19:15 Contemporary interm/advanced Tanzhaus Nürnberg
19:30-20:45 Contemporary beginners/interm Tanzhaus Nürnberg
18:15-19:30 Contemporary M.A.D. VI Nürnberg
19:30-20:45 Contemporary beginners Tanzhaus Nürnberg
09:45-11:15 Contemporary advanced M.A.D. Ausbildungschule Nürnberg (open to professional dancers)